6 foods you should never eat again

maha bintemasood
5 min readSep 25, 2021

Nutrition and diet are essential parts of our health, a good eating plan includes various healthy food items which help manage your weight. There are certain food items that we avoid just because we don’t like the way they taste, on the other hand, some food items taste great, but they have potential health risks, and avoiding such items is hard. The key to eating healthy is all about maintaining balance, you can enjoy your comfort foods having trans fats and sugars by eating them occasionally.

Nutritionists and dietitians agree upon certain food items that we should avoid at all costs. Here we’re going to talk about certain food items that we should cut out of our life if we want to stay healthy.

Sugar-sweetened food juices

Don’t get fooled by the word ‘fruit’ written over most commercially available beverages. It’s a general assumption that these fruit beverages are healthy while, these juices are as harmful as any other sugary drink.

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They contain natural components and antioxidants like vitamin C along with large quantities of sugar causing harm to our bodies. There are so many health risks that are associated with these sugar-containing juices including obesity, blood pressure, hypertension, tooth decay, and type 2 diabetes.

According to a study people who consume two or more servings regularly have a 26% more chance of developing type 2 diabetes and a 31% risk of having heart disease. It is best to take fresh juices as alternatives that have much more nutritional value.

Canned foods

Canning is an old method used for food preservation and it has made our lives easier because it delays the decay process of food by inactivating the enzymes that cause food spoilage. But it has certain disadvantages also

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During the heating process, water-soluble nutrients like vitamin B&C are destroyed. Bisphenol A (BPA) Is a common canning chemical it is found in almost 90% of canned food items and it is linked with heart disease and sexual dysfunction in males. If the food is not packaged properly, it can contain dangerous bacteria like Clostridium botulinum which releases the deadly botulinum toxin, it can be caused by contamination in canned food items when this whole procedure is done at home, in industrial canning these cases are very rare.

Most canned items have high amounts of sodium which is used for the preservation of monosodium glutamate and sodium citrate which cause high blood pressure.

White chocolate

Chocolate is something that we all love, and it is very beneficial when it is consumed in the raw cocoa bean form. Dark chocolate is indeed very healthy, it contains large quantities of antioxidants, which play a very important role in cardiovascular health. When dark chocolate is processed and converted into white chocolate the nutritional benefits are stripped off.

Photo by Elli from Pexels

White chocolate lacks all the nutritional elements of cocoa bean powder and contains a huge amount of sugar and high-fat milk powder which does not offer any health benefits. Eating white chocolate regularly can lead to weight gain and type 2 diabetes, so it is better to stick to the darker shades of chocolate.

A 3-ounce white chocolate bar contains 458 calories and 27.28 grams of fat, of which 16.5 grams are saturated.

White bread

White bread is prepared from refined wheat flour which removes the bran part of the wheat, making it softer. During the process, the nutrients like fiber are removed which makes its digestion quicker and leads to overeating later in the day. It is highly processed and preservatives like starch, vitamins, and minerals are added artificially because it doesn’t naturally contain these nutrients

Dietitians suggest that you should stick to whole wheat bread because it contains fiber and other essential components for a healthy metabolism.

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Processed meat

Meat is preserved by a variety of methods including curing, smoking, and salting so that it can be preserved in the form of different commercially available meat products like sausages, hot dogs, salami, ham, and bacon.

A lot of chemicals used processed meat products are classified as Group 1 carcinogens by WHO.

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Nitrosamines are used in these procedures, and they are cancer-causing compounds responsible for bowel cancer in animals. Large quantities of salt are used during meat processing and it is responsible for hypertension and high blood pressure.

Research suggests that the consumption of processed meat in large quantities can increase the risk of high blood pressure, stomach and colorectal cancer, and heart diseases.

It is estimated that the processed meat caused the death of 57,766 people in 2012.

Sugary foods and sweets

Donuts, cookies, and cakes contain a high amount of sugar prospects and refined carbs these food items have very few nutritional values.

Consumption of more than 40% of sugar daily can increase the chance of depression by 23%.

Photo by Igor Ovsyannykov from Pexels

Studies show that diets including refined carbs and sugary desserts have been associated with the risk of the development of acne, heart diseases, and cavities. Cutting excess carbs and fats is very helpful for you if you are having weight gain and hypertension



maha bintemasood

PhD Microbiology student, focusing on health and lifestyle. Introvert since 1994.